Texas is the second most populous state in the country. Texas Medical Center is the largest medical center in the world. There are so many world class hospitals and health care facilities all over Texas.
Texas legislature also enacted a set of laws that essentially make it very difficult to sue doctors, hospitals and other health care providers in Texas. For instance, litigants may not recover more than $250,000.00 in non-economic damages* from doctors in a medical negligence case (non-economic damages are those damages that cannot be objectively quantified–for instance, pain and suffering. Whereas, economic damages are those damages that can be more readily quantified, such as past medical expenses, future medical expenses or lost earnings).
There are also strict timelines and steps that must be taken to effectively bring a medical malpractice claim in Texas. As a result of the medical malpractice laws in Texas, many patients and families have a difficult time finding attorneys or law firms willing to take on their medical negligence cases when the case involves only non-economic damages.
While we mainly deal with medical malpractice cases involving catastrophic injury or death, we are one of the few firms that will also consider cases with only non-economic damages.
InjuryFromHospital.com handles medical malpractice cases all over Texas.